Thursday, May 19, 2011

Planner or Pantser?

Writing suddenly feels like pulling my hair out.

I made it to 17,000 words (yay!!) and chapter 7 with no problem but my plans for what happens in the next couple of chapters have started to dry up.

And that's when I started asking, 'Am I a planner or a pantser?'

I always thought I was a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants type of girl and that planning stops the writing.  But now I'm thinking that will only get me thus far. 

So I have jotted down a couple more ideas to hopefully feed the next 17k and I'm back on with my flying pants.


  1. I've always been a pantser, but sometimes I end up paying dearly. If I run into timing issues, then I do have to sit down and outline, otherwise the story will never progress. I literally had to sit down with a pair of scissors once and chop up a printout of one of my books in order to fix the timelines! But like you, it's a case of I only do it when I HAVE to, even though I know it can cause problems.

  2. I agree with you both. I'm a pantser to a point then have to stop and outline, timeline and get the story into some kind of organization.
    It's a good thing, in my mind, to pantser it in the beginning because you're getting a feel for the story and whether it is something more.

  3. Thanks you two, I feel a lot better knowing I'm not the only one :)

  4. There's more of us than you think. :)
    And now, I present you with the Iresistibly Sweet Blog Award, which you can see here -
    to pass on or not as you wish. This is the second time I've got it, altho last time it was called the 7 facts award. :-P
